Sam studied cornetto for his undergraduate degree at Trinity College of Music. His studies have not only led him to explore the mute cornett, tenor cornett and cornettino, but natural trumpet and slide trumpet, historical reeds including shawms & curtals, and various types and sizes of bagpipes.
Sam directs 'The Corporation of Musick' a new and vibrant cornett and sackbut ensemble which brings fresh historical insights to existing and new found repertoire. He regularly performs and records with some of the most influential groups in Europe including Cantus Cölln, Academy of Ancient Music, Gabrieli Consort and Players, Dufay Collective, Musica Fiata, Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment, English Concert, I Fagiolini, and the Monteverdi Choir and Orchestra.
Sam is also a maker historical instruments including cornetts, curtals, shawms and bassanelli. These are based on or copied from surviving originals or scaled from the Syntagma Musicum, M. Praetorius.
Sam is in demand as a teacher, tutoring cornetts and sackbuts in Berlin, Dartington International Summer School and having taught cornetto at the University of Hull, the University of East Anglia and privately.
He directs and teaches a cornetto making course with Andrew Hallock. The course takes place over four days and participants carve their own instrument from scratch. Workshops take place each year in Cambridge UK & Schwerin, Germany.